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Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as code (IaC) refers to the management of existing infrastructure components such as storage devices, networking, and communication channels as well as load balancers and servers. It is also a method for automating the provisioning of IT infrastructure that uses a high-level descriptive coding language. Developers are freed of the burden of manually provisioning and maintaining servers, operating systems, database connections, storage, and other infrastructure components while creating, testing, and delivering software applications. Alternatively, they may go with automation.

Infrastructure management has been a time-consuming full-time profession for decades. However, critical infrastructure management has evolved considerably during the last decade. Microsoft Azure, Google, Oracle, and Amazon Web Services are just a few of the public cloud providers that provide essential infrastructure management services to its thousands of customers. You may have heard the term infrastructure as code as the popularity of public cloud platforms has grown, as has access to and consumption of the infrastructure the platforms offer.